Weeks March 7 ~ March 14
African Development
The first homosapiens emerged in East Africa. Agriculture began about 10000 B.C. The very first civilized country is Egypt and later in Maghreb. From the 15th century, Europeans and the Arabs took slaves from West, central and the Southeast of Africa. European colonization of Africa developed rapidly in the Scramble for Africa of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Scramble for Africa is also known as Race for Africa, it's one of the most important parts of African history. European countries started dividing up Africa without dealing contracts or their permission. The African leaders such as the Ashanti, the Abissinians, the Moroccans and the Dervishes sought to resist the European aggression; however, they could not fight over the advanced weapons that the Europeans had.
England trying to get all the land they wanted.
This picture shows how much slaves the Europeans countries are trading. Hundred and thousands of Africans had to be squished inside the ship that's taking them from Africa to the European countries. They have been given no food, water and a lot of torture is going on.
When the slaves get on to the ship, they were to be tortured by the Europeans in the cruelest way you can't imagine. The Europeans seems to be happy to torture them and they see it as a kind of entertainment.
There are slave trades going on since the 15th century; however, it's just a small amount of them. In the 18th and the 19th century, when "Scramble for Africa" is happening, thousands and millions of slaves were brought from Africa to other colonies that the European countries have. The thicker the arrows are, the more amount of slaves are imported into other places.
European Economics in the 19th Century
In the 19th century, there was a period of time called "The Great Depression"(1873~1896). It's also known as the "Black Tuesday". In the late 19th century, European economic started break down and decline. The United Kingdom is often considered to have been the hardest hit; during this period it lost some of its large industrial lead over the economies of Continental Europe. In the late 19th century, many wars such as the Franco-Prussian War, American Civil War just ended, the economic status of the world is not stable. In addition, the booming stock prices in central Europe had reached a fever pitch plus the failure of the banks hadling the stock prices, the economy in Europe collapsed. With all the factories closing, many people were unemplyed, they couldn't even find the most simple job such as cleaning the floor. The second effect is poverty. People who are not employed have no income; thus, they can't afford to buy food. The third effect is homelessness. People who couldn't afford to pay rents were wandering on streets, not just adults but also children! They walk on streets holding up signs that says "I need a job" or something similar to that.
Innocent children walking on streets and holding up signs that reflects to the difficulties their families are facing.
Jobless and homeless families were forced to live on the only property they have left, which is their truck. It's the only shelter they have.
Profilce Character
David Livingstone
David Livingston is the most popular national hero in the 19th century. He is a missionary, a scientific investigator, an explorer and the most important, he is an anti-slave crusader. He explared all throught the Nile River and drove Europe into the time period of the obssession of Central Africa. David Livingstone used to work as a missionary in Southern Africa. He found a water fall which he named "Victoria Falls". While he's exploring Africa with a few of his servants, he preached along the way; he preached a Christian message, but did not force it to unwilling ears. David Livingstone lost contact with the outside world for the last six years of his life and spent the last four of them ill. He did write letters to people outside Africa, but they arrived after his death.
Henry Stanley
Henry Stanley is a journalist and an exploreer. His parents were unmarried when he was born, so his birth certificate refers him to as the stigma of illegitimacy. At the age of 18, he decided to move to the United States and start a new life. He then met a person named Henry Hope Stanley and he adopted him, so his name became Henry Morton Stanley. Stanley also participated in the American Civil War. Following the Civil War, Stanley became a journalist. In 1896, Stanley was instructed by Benett's son, which is his owner's son, to find Dvid Livingstone whom people have not heard for some time. It was a long and harsh journey to find Livingstone. Some of his servants deserted him during the journey. At last, Stanley found Livingstone, and his famous phrase was spread world wide, "Dr. Livingstone, I persume?"
Shaka, known as Shaka Zulu, is the most influential leader in the Zulu Kingdom. He united tribes in the Nrothern Africa and is known for his reforms and innovations. He spent his childhood in his mother's settlement and learned to be a warrior. After his father's death, Shaka defeated his brother and assumed leadership. Since he had a background as an warrior, he taught his tribe that the fastest way to gain power is by conquering and fighting, so he called out wars and united the tribes in Northern Africa.